Sunday, 10 November 2013

Diwali – The festival of lights

Hey all, after many days back to my writing stuff. Writing over Diwali is not that big but it’s close to everyone’s heart. Hope you had your best on Diwali as mine was pretty good. OK, I am skipping the intro and reason of celebrating this amazing festival as I have a really interesting reason to skip it instead. So here we go. Check the images and keep guessing?

I met a very interesting person on this day, who have a very good way to celebrate this festival and very apt way to say the festival of lights for him. He is a Rickshaw puller by profession and enjoys this festival to maxim. Away from his family, not on the first occasion, he celebrates by decorating his complete rickshaw with candles covered everywhere on it just like a newlywed bride. With utter glee he decorates it and enchants sweet memories with his family, that’s his way of celebrating Diwali. I was really moved by the spirit he beholds for this festival and what special he does on this day.
Till that day Diwali was just a metaphor for me to remove all badness and inculcate goodness but now I can say proudly that I have witnessed it as well. Some really special memories are with me for this day as my Grandfather celebrated his last and my only Diwali with him. I want to convey my special thanks to him for who I am today.
On much philosophical note if I convey my message it would be simply celebration of event called life. I always wonder what would be the idea behind having too many festivals which I got it recently. We are too busy in our lives that we stop celebrating life as it is. Instead of illuminating we surround ourselves with dimness of unfilled desires. So don’t stop celebrating as it is very rightly said by a very beautiful quote rephrased by a guy like me in a different way:
“Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have - so spend it wisely”
Kay Lyons

Wednesday, 2 October 2013


What will you do, when you are enriched with information, you need to dribble a bit so that only pertinent information ooze in.As they say surplus info baffles and makes it hard to conclude. Choice is as always yours whether you stick to the bait or follow your own principle.Focus has its own charm and when followed single minded always give results.Take time to relax and garner thoughts that rejuvenate your thinking and endeavors.
It all starts in your head and should end there. So if you wish to make it enormous or timid, again your stand. Think on it. Great battles are fought with courage but won with strength of mind. PERIOD.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Writing Discovery; DESIRES

Not many of us are get chances to fulfill their most urging desires.  These desires only keep us live every day.  When I was a kid, very early, I realized desires are the root cause of every problem but when I started living, the story was different.If you wish to love, you should have something to fulfill. And believe me there are people who spend their lifetime figuring out that particular something. So finally I am at peace with my inner conflicts and adopted the resolution, “It’s good to have some desires”.

What not to have are expectations, real pain starts then. When you have attachment to results the pain starts getting worse. I am not vandalizing thoughts too much, but that’s the crux of desires and their fulfillment. Expectation is a misery if one can be selfless, that is what we should aim for.
Without any plight of consequences as a result afterwards, if we can free this from the task, is really true strength. Here comes the courage part. Have courage to face the challenges despite of adversity or mocking results. Remember without failing at something, you can’t achieve anything. So fail today to succeed, hey but folks it’s not obviously! J.

Let’s take the probability what can make you forward:
 1 Diary – A wonderful tool where you can go back every day and find your true self. Meet him every day and share your experiences.
2 Benchmarks – Have someone whom you look up. So that, world is not a loner place to be in.
3 Self Discovery Quest – I know myself better every day but at times you repeat some bloopers. So hang me on wall & rebuke your old mistakes. Say hi to new ones!

4 Check Daily: SCOSH (Strength, Confidence, Optimism, Skill, Happiness).

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Creativity Unleash !!

Before starting this piece,I would like to mention a quote by Jim Morrison.Here it is

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name

Let me make something out of this here.Creative people are prone to criticism before they can start something and which is the major hurdle for the start ups. Whenever you want to move out from this dilemma, read the text that follows.

My ado to this great writer further :

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.
J. K. Rowling

Hope this article tinkles and ignites your mind. My adieu.
 — at chandigarh.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Seek the Light Within.

Here is your answer to the big question that you always wonder who will answer. OK keep your heart beating , hold your breath and just for a moment, realize the strength you hold when you start believing something. There is no substitute to faith which every religion teaches. I am not lamenting on the beliefs of people but yes the faith system. We all have our gods taking care of us. For different sections different gods are there. So why not you be the one to realize it within yourself.

How important do you think , it will be for you to be a embodiment of faith, showmanship and utmost symbol of love and power. The journey of your life changes from here.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Life I want !!

How many times you have wished something and it has come true, for me it is one of those times. I am elated as event has happened but now I have something different in mind growing up.Though I feel blessed to be offered such opportunity but I don't want to hassle keeping 2 birds in hand at the moment.

Hope someone understand this. What if this works out and help me in my future endeavors.Gosh !!
I need fresh air to decide this dichotomy. Coming onto today's schedule, perfectly crafted new beginning is proposed to me. I am going to decide this venture and make some difference here.

Roller coaster on my mind goes it up goes it down,
What should I do, What should I do
That's the  question seeks my mind.

Here I am to speak my heart out
seek the goodness , seek the divine
what goes up always comes around.

Good 9t Folks !!!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Go Goa Gone -> I am coming

My excitement has reached to the epitome of fanciness and chivalry that I am here to share this with all of you. This travel was on the cards from a longer time.With a ray of hope, I wish to see the lights of Sun rising and destroying my pessimism with its Sunset. How it feels to be glorified,one must learn from supreme.Like a kid I started walking distance from my home and reached a place where I cannot see it any longer.To grow you need to leave the places which are exploited already,learn it from civilisations.

OK regarding my travel, lots of love and blessings I seek from my friends.Goa is one such place which always enthralls me. I am gonna rock this party and dance longer at nights. Sleep in shacks, drink beers , take a puff and re-invent myself from the scratch again.Rejuvenate from the old is what I am seeking at the moment.

Hope this journey fills my empty voids and provide me the taste of my life. Thank you god for everything !!!

Bon jure !!

Friday, 26 July 2013

Connecting the Dots.

Well , I am writing this blog in totally confused state.With  obsession of Steve Jobs ideology,I left what I was doing to unlearn the things from scratch. It has worked for me in the past, so thought this would work this time as well. Rest as they say where there is a will there is a way. People say writing is the best way to express yourself so this is what I am here for. If you notice carefully , there are lot of I's in my article which reflect my egoistic nature. I try to stay away from the influence but this is something which I inherited from my family.

I am just figuring out the basic traits that one would like to have while climbing the ladder of success. I want to see the nickels and hit the iron.I am ready to tryst with destiny for this. To be successful is not always the purpose of life which nowadays is condition to sustain.

We are here to live not to compete but yes never stop trying. Don't let the gift of present unfold for future.Present is always a gift for those who can see with their eyes.So I would appreciate everyone who is trying to make his life better everyday. God bless them and sustain continuity in their drives to achieve what they aim for.

Happy Living !!!

Satish aka Insan